Professional Building Management

BUILDING MANAGEMENT that is necessary for elimination of the problems which may arise in total living spaces and regularly implementation of works is an unavoidable condition for most building residents. Today especially BUILDING - COMPLEX MANAGEMENT companies are needed for occupational safety and health of workers, law and sanctions on social insurances, changes made to the housing code, duties and obligation of the responsible persons in building management and planning all of the work in time.

General Management

The goal of our General Management System is to ensure the coordination of human resources and cadres, effective provision of services and satisfaction of our residents by increasing the quality of the service in total living spaces.

Building and Apartment Management

It is possible to ensure regularly implementation of their works by creating professional approach to solve the problems on complexes and objects consisting of one or more buildings, and control their management systems. That is why recently most owners of building and residents of apartment commit their BUILDING management to the reliable companies which present professional approach to this work.

We with figures


Satisfaction Guaranteed


Years on Market

2 954

Number of Customers


Number of Appartement



Customer Testimonials


Çoxmənzilli binaların idarə olunması

2020-ci il yanvarın 22-də İPE Group şirkətinin əməkdaşları ARB 24 kanalında yayımlanan "Əmlan İşi" proqramında iştirak ediblər. Elxan Orucov və Hasan Öner çoxmənzilli binaların i...